Tribute: The Sound of Those Cuffs
Textile embroidery on acrylic, steel
48 x 20 x 13”
Tribute: The Sound of Those Cuffs is the first of a series of homage to some who have come into my life to unveil something inside of me that I had thought was dormant. Many hands make their way through a peony wreath, standing on an easel such as a funeral offering. A wreath translates to a “couronne” in french; a “crown” that you put on someone who’s place would normally be on a pedestal. But since it is a funeral wreath, I would rather it stay buried in the past until I open up once again.
Presented at:
° ”Le Banquet”, Biennale internationale des métiers d’art et de création, Grand Palais, Paris-France, 2019.